Tip of The Day #1

Here is a tip I learned a long time ago, and a problem I still struggle with till today:


Alot of times, when I'm making a beat, I start thinking, "What can I do to make this beat better?" And most times I add extraneous elements that have no place there, and I usually end up screwing up the beat that I'm working on. Too many times alot of Producers and Beatmakers try to cram all these different sounds and effects into their beat and forget that it's the Artist who makes the song, and that you could the beat is used to help the artist convey their feelings and emotions. Your beat doesn't have to be jam-packed with sounds for and artist to like it. You have to remember that the beat is used to help the artist shine. Whether it's their singing or lyrical ability, the beat is just used to help support the singer/rapper.

I'm not sure if I got the complete point across, but if I didn't completely get it out, here is what I am trying to say: "Stop worrying so much about all the sounds and stuff in your beat. I'm not saying don't have any variation, but just know when enough is enough. Too many times I hear beats and it sounds like the person crammed every sound they have into the beat, and it ends up sounding horrible. Remember, moderation is the key."